July 26, 1995 -- Despite heavyweight stars Meryl Streep and Roseanne Barr, ``She-Devil'' is a lightweight and slow-moving comedy.
``She-Devil is enjoyable, but a disappointment considering the caliber of talent in the film.
It is a rather simple tale of revenge about Barr getting even with her shallow husband, played by Ed Begley Jr., who falls in love with an equally shallow romance novelist played by Meryl Streep.
Barr plays her role very straight. The performance needed a higher energy level. Streep and Begley are both adequate in their roles and Linda Hunt has a sparkling little role as a mousy nurse at a rest home who turns entrepreneur.
The plot is clever enough but the performances aren't lively enough to make this more than an average film. The pace of the film is also slow for a comedy. It seems to plod along at times as it winds its way to its inevitable, predictable conclusion under the uninspired direction of Susan Seidelman.
There is enough here, however for more than a few hearty laughs, but you leave with the empty feeling that there should have been more.
This film rates a C.
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