Society and

just for the fun of it.
Welcome to the Laramie Astronomical Society & Space Observers Home Page. The Society was established in June of 1996. Our members come in all skill levels, from novice observers to professional astronomers. We gather together in order to share our knowledge and our wonder of the universe.
LASSO usually meets at 7:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month, at the fire substation at 23rd and Reynolds. There is usually a presentation on a topic of general astronomical
interest, along with a question and answer period for specific topics. Various types of telescopes are on hand for a viewing session after the meeting. The meetings are free and are open to the general public.
LASSO is a member of the Front Range Astronomical Super Cluster or FRASC. It is also a member of the Mountain Area Research Section (MARS) of the Astronomical League and the International Dark Sky Association. These are groups of regional and national clubs and societies having a common interest in astronomy. FRASC helps with the planning of each association's activities, to be the most beneficial to all its members.
You can easily join LASSO and begin enjoying the benefits of membership: Access to our dark sky sites, access to our club telescope (an 8" Newtonian reflector on a Dobsonian mount), discounts on Sky and Telescope and Astronomy magazines and free copies of Reflector, a publication of the Astronomical League. There are no dues. Please feel free to send e-mail to one of the addresses below, or you can send a check or money order to:
The Laramie
Astronomical Society & Space Observers
1860 North 23rd Street
Laramie, WY. 82070

Special thanks to Lariat
for letting us maintain this site on their server.
Updated: April 26, 2002
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page created and maintained by LASSO
Questions, comments, link or membership information requests can be directed to the webmaster of this site at