Albany County Planning and Zoning Commission
June 16, 2003
Albany County Courthouse Commissioners Room
Regular meeting of the Albany County Planning and Zoning Commission was held June 16, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in the Commissioners Chambers of the Albany County Courthouse.
Members present: Terry Roark, Pat Casey, Daryl Jensen, James Rinehart, Jim Rogers
Staff present: Doug Bryant, Victoria Goodin
Public present: Lynn Hamblin, Chuck Larsen, Robert Roten
All members were in attendance.
On motion by Mr. Rogers, 2nd by Ms. Casey, Minutes from April 8, 2003 meeting were approved. On motion by Mr. Jensen, 2nd by Mr. Rinehart the Minutes of the May 13, 2003 meeting was approved. Motion carried on voice vote (Chairman Roark, yes; Ms. Casey, yes; Mr. Jensen, yes; Mr. Rinehart, yes; Mr. Rogers, yes.)
There were no disclosures.
Three items were addressed on the agenda:
Definition of Suburban Lots
Doug Bryant introduced the definition of "suburban lots." Publication was June 1, 2003 and will be heard on July 15. Platting and Zoning state statutes does not define suburban lots and neither did our County regulations. The intent of this regulation is to create the upper threshold of where we require the platting process. This requires the applicant/owner to file a plat with the County if any subdivided parcel is 81 acres or less and a total of three or more parcels.
There was a short discussion about Pronghorn properties on Hwy 130.
Mr. Roark asked if anyone was in the audience wishing to speak in favor/opposition to the definition of "suburban lots." No response to either. Mr. Rinehart motioned to approve the definition, Ms. Casey seconded. Motion carried on voice vote: Chairman Roark, yes; Ms, Casey, yes; Mr. Jensen, yes; Mr. Rinehart, yes; Mr. Rogers, yes.
Residential subdivision landscaping regulation
Mr. Bryant explained that this is a continuation of the regulation which applied to the commercial/industrial regulations which was approved about a year ago. This is in the Subdivision section and applies to subdivisions. It will not apply to small subdivisions where there are three or less lots. However, it will apply to the frontages of major corridors defined as I-80, Hwy 287, 230 & 130. The standards are the same as those stated in the commercial/industrial landscaping regs. Recommendations are included for applying drip irrigation and mulch in order to sustain health. Ms. Casey reflected her concern that this resolution is not extended beyond the main corridors, but that this might just be a good start. Mr. Bryant reflected that many community organizations such as Laramie Economic Development, Chamber of Commerce, the City, Albany County Tourism, have pushed to clean up and improve the entryways of Laramie, inside and outside of the City. There are other well used County Roads that are considered corridors, which might be added in the future. However these are the ones that focus on tourist travelers. Mr. Rinehart would like for us to look at junk, age of trailers, number of cars, and non-operating cars left on suburban lots. Mr. Bryant did say that we could expand on the state statutes on "junk."
Mr. Roark asked if anyone was in the audience wishing to speak in favor/opposition to the regulation on residential subdivision landscaping regulation. No response to either. Mr. Rogers motioned to approve the definition, Mr. Jensen seconded. Motion carried on voice vote: Chairman Roark, yes; Ms, Casey, yes; Mr. Jensen, yes; Mr. Rinehart, yes; Mr. Rogers, yes.
Outdoor Signage Regulation Amendments
Mr. Bryant reviewed the changes and additions to the existing signage regulations. The planning office received one call from a person who was concerned about the limitation of sign size.
Mr. Roark asked if anyone was in the audience wishing to speak in favor/opposition to the regulation on outdoor signage amendments. No response to either. Mr. Roark asked for a motion to approve the resolution with the change on item #3 to state "Special event signs shall not exceed," rather that the "no more than." Mr. Jensen motioned to approve the amendments, Ms. Casey seconded. Motion carried on voice vote: Chairman Roark, yes; Ms, Casey, yes; Mr. Jensen, yes; Mr. Rinehart, yes; Mr. Rogers, yes.
There are no public applications.
Review of the current Outdoor Lighting draft. Mr. Bryant introduced the background to this issue. This is not a public hearing, but a discussion. Mr. Rogers felt as if measuring from the boundary would be more enforceable than at the light source. Mr. Roark mentioned that he heard that the City Council has told the City Planning Commission that they want them to come up with a City Lighting Ordinance. The City Planning Commission is looking to us for guidance. Mr. Rinehart had some comments as he preferred the third option in Section 5, as was Mr. Roger’s choice. Mr. Rinehart wanted to change the "forty acres" to eighty one acres, tying it back to our suburban definition and agricultural practices. Mr. Jensen felt as if we needed to minimize glare and to add "light pollution" in Section 5. Ms. Casey was concerned about defining objectively what glare is. And she also agreed to combine f & g in Section 7.
Chuck Larsen had questions as to whether we were requiring compliance or encouraging developers. Mr. Larsen referred to the letter he sent to Mr. Bryant to encourage rather than enforce compliance.
Mr. Roten and Mr. Hamblin commented on the document.
Mr. Roark made a quick synopsis as to the desired changes.
Mr. Roark requested a draft for the next meeting or the one after. We would have the public hearing in the following 45 days.
Mr. Roark complimented Mr. Bryant for helping to keep the dialogue open between the City and the County.
Motion was made that the Albany County Planning and Zoning Commission adjourned at 8:54pm. Motion carried on voice vote: Chairman Roark, yes; Ms, Casey, yes; Mr. Jensen, yes; Mr. Rinehart, yes; Mr. Rogers, yes.
Meeting adjourned.
Minutes taken by Victoria Goodin, planning intern.