Society and
Astronomy links for teachers

NASA educator's page
NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory teachers page
NASA-JPL classroom projects
Space Place images
(NASA-JPL space images for teachers)
Mars classroom projects
(Projects and quizes for kids with a Mars theme)
Mars teaching resources
(Teacher resources from the NASA Mars team)
Women of NASA
Other space-related teaching resources
Astronomy teaching resources
(From Harvard University and the Smithsonian Institution)
Aastronomy resources for homeschoolers
Astronomers Without Borders
(A group trying to reaching the next generation of astronomers
developing a database of astronomers who can speak at schools)
Heavens Above
(Shows positions of satellites and space stations from anywhere on earth)
Izzy's Skylog free astronomy software
The Hubble Space Telescope site
Aurora photos and links by Jan Curtis
(includes aurora gallery, solar, asteroid and other space news reports)
Old Farmer's Almanac astronomy, sun, moon, planets rise, set calculator
Sagan Planet Walk -- how to set up a playground walk to demonstrate the vast size of our solar system
SETI at Home
(search for extraterrestrial intelligence using your home computer)
Teachers and kids resources from the Wyoming Space Grant Consortium
A View of Outer Space From Your Window (a wide variety of space links for teachers, students and the general public)
Observatories and Planetaria
Laramie Area:
University of Wyoming Astronomy
Wyoming Infrared Observatory
University of Wyoming Red Buttes Observatory
University of Wyoming Observatories, including STAR Observatory
University of Wyoming Planetarium
Casper Planetarium
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